Adobe Analytics: Measuring Data

Adobe Analytics is a powerful web analytics platform that makes it easy for organizations to measure, understand and act on their data. It provides insights into visitor activity across websites and apps, identifies trends and patterns that are emerging, and helps you make informed decisions based on solid data.

Introducing Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is a free tool for measuring web traffic and user behavior. It’s used by more than 100,000 companies, including Netflix, Microsoft and Adobe.

Adobe Analytics is part of the Adobe Marketing Cloud, which also includes Optimize (for A/B testing) and Audience Manager (for managing your contacts).

What is Adobe Analytics?

Adobe Analytics is a software program that helps you track and measure your marketing efforts. It’s cloud-based, so it can be accessed from anywhere. The platform is used by many companies, including Adobe and Salesforce; it’s also used for tracking website traffic, social media campaigns and …