A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Networks

While people have been using the word “network” since the 15th century to describe a group of people, more recently its meaning has expanded. Today, networks have taken on a much broader definition that encompasses everything from social media sites like Facebook (a type of online social network) and LinkedIn (a type of professional network) to biological tissues like neurons in the brain (an example of an “organismal” or “biological” network). Whether we’re talking about computer systems or our own brains, networks are everywhere—and that’s why it’s important for us all to learn how they work!

Networks are everywhere.

Networks are everywhere. They’re present in all aspects of life, from the social to the technological, and even in nature. We’ll explore some examples of networks below.

  • Networks exist in nature. For example, think about how plants are connected by their roots to other plants through a network of underground roots