The Topology of an Enterprise Network

A topology is the physical arrangement of a network. In this article, we will discuss some common topologies and how they function.

A topology is the physical arrangement of a network.

A topology is the physical arrangement of a network. It determines how the network is connected and how data travels through it. Topologies can be divided into two main categories: linear and non-linear.

Linear topologies include bus, star, ring and mesh networks while non-linear topologies include tree and daisy chain (star).

Star topology

In a star topology, each node is connected to the central hub. All traffic must pass through the hub; therefore, if it fails or becomes disconnected from its power source, all other nodes will lose communication with one another.

The advantage of this type of network design is that it’s very easy to install and troubleshoot because all devices are located in close proximity to one …

How To Build Network Topologies

A network topology is the arrangement of devices in a computer or telecommunication network. It can be physical, made up of cables and nodes, or logical, consisting of virtual connections between data centers and other computing resources. The physical topology refers to the layout of cabling, which often follows design guidelines for optimal performance and reliability.

Bus Topology

  • Bus topology is a network topology in which all the devices are connected to a single cable.
  • The devices are connected to the cable at different points.
  • The most common type of bus topology is a twisted pair cable.

Ring Topology

A ring topology is a type of network topology in which each node is connected to two other nodes. The simplest form of ring topology is the unidirectional ring, but there are also bidirectional rings and multi-ring structures that can be configured as either broadcast or non-broadcast multiaccess (NBMA).

When connecting …