Payment Gateways Explained

A payment gateway is a service that connects your eCommerce website to the financial network, allowing you to accept credit cards, debit cards, and other forms of online payments. In fact, it’s possible that you’ve used a payment gateway in some way today without even knowing it (such as when purchasing something on Amazon). Payment gateways are the lifeblood of any online business.

What is a payment gateway?

A payment gateway is a software or hardware device that lets buyers pay for goods and services online. It’s an essential part of any e-commerce site, serving as the bridge between your website and your bank.

Payment Gateways Explained

Payment gateways are the backbone of your online business. They connect you with your customers, providing the security and payment processing that makes it possible for them to pay you.

Payment gateways provide an interface between buyers, who want to make purchases from …